What are the Prime Directives of the Unconcious Mind?

As you all know we have a conscious mind and the unconscious mind also known as the subconscious mind, which shapes how we operate in life.

Your conscious mind controls the daily functions of your day-to-day living. The subconscious mind is the one that delivers. It’s like ordering on amazon. If you were to place an order let’s say you wanted to buy a pillow, you need to put all the details in, the color, the shape, the size, and when you want it to be delivered. etc, etc. what address to be delivered to, and once you select all the details and finish with it, you click done.

Now you wait. Your order has been received and you will definitely get it on the day you selected. Most of the time we trust Amazon more than we trust our fate. When we are requesting more money or a better relationship we question ourselves and we don't trust our ability to manifest the things that we deserve. Most people don't feel worthy of what they want to receive.

Our brain is a memory bank. It stores everything that ever happened or was experienced. Think of it like this. When you buy a computer it comes blank, the software is ready to download the applications that you will be using.

When we are born our mind our conscious mind and our unconscious mind comes blank yes we do have some DNA we received from our parents and ancestral lineage but our conscious mind and unconscious mind come blank.

What happens is the first 7 years of our lives downloaded by our parents how to live and exist in society and to be safe so we don't die so we don't hurt ourselves, those applications that put in by our parents are the first 7 years of it. It's only good for surviving. After that, we need constant upgrades to our belief system. Those beliefs which were placed in order to keep us safe will not serve us in our adult life.

It is so important to question our beliefs because our beliefs dictate how we live so our unconscious mind stores all the memories and beliefs and habits. If you have a limiting belief the only way to get rid of a limiting belief is to recognize the limiting belief and ask yourself is this true or is this what I'm supposed to believe? Question it, and if you're getting an answer that it's not true then you can change it. Our unconscious mind has Prime directives I will list all of them for you here.

Prime Directives of the Unconcious Mind

  1. Stores our memories.

  2. It is the domain of all emotions.

  3. Organizes all memories using time.

  4. Represses memories with unresolved negative emotions, in order to release it.

  5. Present repressed memories for resolution.

  6. May keep repressed memories repressed for protection.

  7. Runs the body’s blueprint.

  8. Preserves the body.

  9. Is a highly moral being.

  10. Follows instructions and needs clear ones.

  11. Controls and maintains all perceptions.

  12. Generates, stores, distributes, and transmits energy.

  13. Maintains habit and instinct.

  14. Requires repetitive introductions. The new line is programmed to seek more continuously.

  15. Functions best as a whole integrated unit.

  16. Uses and responds to symbols.

  17. Takes everything personally.

  18. Will choose the path of least resistance.

  19. Does not process negatives.

Since the unconscious mind does not process negatives it's very very important to always speak toward the positive end result that you are seeking.

For example, if you were to say; I don't want to be sick, let's open that sentence up.  I do not want to be sick. The unconscious mind reads the NOT  it is then processed and therefore the order it gets from you is: I do want to be sick. Instead of speaking this way, we can say I want to be healthy. This way your unconscious mind knows that you want to be healthy, therefore it will make you healthy.

Most people also use it when they think about money. They say; I do not want to be poor but your unconscious mind takes that as I want to be poor since the word not is processed. What if you were to change that into; I want to be rich and I want to be successful? That is a reframing of the negative sentence you just use instead of pointing out the negative.

We point out the positive and result therefore it will be delivered and most of the time when we speak like this we don't actually believe that it's going to happen because we have an underlying belief that it's hard to be successful. You have to work hard to be successful. You need money to be successful. Those beliefs are given to us by either our parents or our teachers or society. You did not create those beliefs, most beliefs you're holding are actually created by others. The beliefs that you're holding that are true to you are not there, no longer relevant so as an NLP coach I always suggest that we comb out all the beliefs and rewrite the programming.

Timeline Therapy

Timeline therapy is a great way to create new beliefs. Our memories hold a lot of beliefs that are no longer true. Our emotions are connected to our beliefs. Our beliefs create our emotions and our emotions create our reality.

We all have a choice. At the end of the day who you are is your choice. If you want to change who you are I suggest that you find a role model. If you had no limits to what you can create today, what would you be? How would you feel? How would you behave?

Go after that, the minute you realize that you have a choice the new you can come into your reality. Remember,  you're unconscious mind receives that order from your conscious mind.

Think about it like this, your unconscious mind is the woman and your conscious mind are the men. Your conscious mind impregnates the woman and in 9 months’ time, you will have a baby.  it's inevitable. There's no such thing as, Oh I'm a little pregnant.

If you actually believe everything you say will become your reality you will start to speak more Intentionally.  

What Happens During NLP Sessions?

What I do in my NLP coaching is that get rid of all limiting beliefs we have access to your unconscious programming. You do the work. I'm just a space holder. I am someone who shows you what you need to do. What you need to get rid of and what you need to keep. It's also a lot of fun.

Keep an eye on my blog I will be sharing more NLP-related topics and if you want me to address any topic that you want to learn more about, send me a message I'll talk to you soon.